Three young lads from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, decided to invest in a new idea: to reproduce the Beatles sound within the classic rock power trio format.
The band engages the audience wherever they play. Lucas Bandeira (guitar and vocals), Rodrigo Padrini (drums and vocals) and Roney Nascimento (bass and vocals) bring back the energy of the live gigs from the early years. That means that the Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! is the band’s flagship. But the long-standing anthems from the second phase of Liverpool’s Fab Four’s legacy are not left out as well.
In 2013 3 Of Us had the pleasure to be the supporting band for Paul Jones and Jon Keats in Belo Horizonte. Last year they repeated the feat, but this time supporting Gary Gibson, the best John Lennon tribute artist in the world.
When 3 Of Us go on stage and play the first chords you better be sure of one thing: they’ll surprise you.