International Beatleweek 2013 Highlights
Well it’s over for another year…’it’ being International Beatleweek of course. And with 338 to go until next year’s festival (which incidentally takes place from Wednesday 20th to Tuesday 26th August 2014) we thought you might like to re-live some fond memories to help you get through the ‘Beatleweek Blues’.
Here for your enjoyment are lots of lovely videos of some of the fab-ulous artists who played at International Beatlweek 2013. Brought to you courtesy of one of our Beatleweek veterans Bengt Warmlind…thanks Bengt!
We’d like to thank all of the bands, musicians and guests who performed across 6 venues in one week to packed-out audiences. Thanks also to the wonderful customers for making Beatleweek 2013 another huge success.
Click on the link below to enjoy the videos and we’ll see you next year.
Cavern City Tours